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- Laura Greenwood
Into the Mists Page 3
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Page 3
Macey chuckled. "Believe me, I'm strong enough. But don't tell anyone. And be quick, I can only hold my breath for so long."
Amber looked even more confused now, but Macey didn't have time to explain. Instead, she showed her. She shifted.
Shifting outside of the loch was hard, but there was enough water on her clothes and the ground for her to manage. It was painful, though, but she couldn't think of any other way of getting Amber out of here.
When she had fully shifted into her kelpie form, she knelt down beside Amber, nudging the girl to climb onto her back. This was the first time anyone who wasn't a kelpie was going to ride on her. It was a shameful thing to do; kelpies were incredibly proud creatures. But this was an emergency and if she was lucky, nobody in her family would ever find out.
That's when she remembered her brothers. If the two men in the dungeons even were her brothers, but it was too much of a coincidence.
She huffed. Get Amber out first, that was the priority. Then go back and get her brothers. Somehow. A problem for a later time. Right now, her problem was that she was having to hold her breath and already felt a slight sting in her lungs. Kelpies weren't made to be out of water for long. That's why the legends of kelpies pulling humans underwater to eat them were bollocks. Kelpies couldn't keep their heads out of water for long enough to first find and then attack a human. Besides that, they were vegetarians.
Amber climbed onto Macey's broad back and clung to her mane. As gentle as she could, the kelpie got to her feet and began to move towards the door. When she was sure Amber had a good grip on her, she broke into a run, following the girl's whispered directions.
From the courtyard they entered a long, dim corridor that led into another, even dimmer one. On and on they ran, around corners, through doors. There were no people to be seen anywhere. Macey found that very strange, but she didn't have time to ponder on that, nor on the fact that the Voice wasn't talking to them anymore or trying to keep them in his grasp.
No, she was focused on not breathing.
Her kelpie lungs were better than her human ones, but by now she was quickly running out of oxygen. Finally, they exited the building they were in and entered another drawn out courtyard. At the end was a gate.
It was closed.
Nonetheless, Macey continued to gallop towards it. Freedom was so close.
Suddenly, two guards stepped out of a small door beside the gate. They held out their hands, intent on stopping the girls escape.
Oh waves, what was she going to do?
"I can break down the gate, but I'll pass out after that," Amber whispered.
That meant the guards were Macey's responsibility. She whinnied in response to show her rider she agreed with her plan.
Her lungs were burning, she knew she had less than a minute left before she'd have to shift back. Summoning her water magic, she threw two balls of water at the guards without warning. One of them deflected his, but the other was hit hard and slammed against the wall behind him. He sank to the ground, unconscious.
Only one to go. Macey readied another water ball, but the guard was now on the offensive. He threw a fire lance at her and she just about managed to jump to the side to evade it. However, it gave her the opening to thrust her own watery missile and hit the mage before he could create another lance. Just like his fellow guard, he slumped to the ground.
Lightning tore from the sky and into the metal gate. Electricity fizzled through the air and the gate's doors sprung open.
Using the last of her energy, Macey ran through the open gate and along the drawbridge that was leading away from the castle.
"Do you really think prodding her is a good idea?" a male voice asked.
Macey wondered what that was even about until a sharp prod came at her shoulder. She groaned. No, prodding her was not a good idea. And if she could just summon the strength, the person on the other end of that finger would regret it.
"Do you have any better ideas?" the prodder responded.
"No. But go tend to your own girlfriend."
The people around her, and she was sure there were a few, lapsed into silence.
"She's not my girlfriend," the prodder protested.
"Besides, I'm fine," a weak Amber replied.
Wait...if Amber was the girlfriend, then that must have meant the prodder was Izban. And if Izban was here...
Macey's head began to clear, and she shakily pushed her arms underneath her. She turned as she rose and was greeted by three worried sets of eyes. And Izban's, but he just looked more exasperated than anything else.
"You're okay!" Flint fell to his knees and pulled her into his arms, peppering her face with kisses. "We were so worried."
"Alright, let the rest of us in," Jared grumbled, but it was impossible to miss the relief in his tone.
Flint let her go, and Macey slowly got herself to her feet. She could sense all three of them fretting already, but appreciated that they were leaving her to it. At least they knew her well enough to realise interfering wasn't in their best interests.
The moment she was steady again, she found herself pulled into a bear hug from Jared, and on the receiving end of the doting smile from Cam.
"I knew you could do it," he said softly. She smiled at him. While she was glad they were here, she was also more than a little smug that she was the one who'd saved herself. And Amber for that matter.
"Thanks," she said, twisting out of Jared's arms, and going up on her toes to kiss him. He responded in kind, keeping the pressure light, and the attention on her in a far more loving way than her men usually showed. Normally they were in the more taking-her frame of mind. They must have been really scared for her safety...
Warmth flowed through Macey at the thought, and her heart swelled to three times its normal size. Though maybe that was just the lack of oxygen. That could do funny things to kelpies.
"Here," Amber said, handing her a bottle of water. "You must be running low."
"Thanks." Macey unscrewed the cap after taking it, and chugged down the water, surprised by just how much she actually needed it. She was a water being, she shouldn't have let herself get so low. "How did you find us?" she asked her men after the bottle was empty.
"We didn't," Flint replied, shuffling his feet slightly, as if uncomfortable.
"You can't tell me you're here just by chance," she said.
"Of course not," Cam butted in. "But it was actually Izban casting a searching spell for Amber that led us here.”
Macey exchanged glances with the red-headed girl, who shrugged.
"Must be possible."
"You don't know what he's capable of?" Macey replied, raising an eyebrow.
"We only met a little before I was kidnapped," Amber said, a blush staining her cheeks as she tried not to look at the Ice Warden. Interesting.
Macey counted herself lucky that she already had the Lightning mark on her back. Hopefully, she'd be able to add the Ice mark in a similar fashion. That way she wouldn't have to get between what was clearly a blossoming relationship.
It was also a small relief. Three men was proving difficult enough at the moment, particularly with their protective streaks. She didn't want to add another man and woman into the equation. She wouldn't even have known where to start if she'd needed to have a relationship with Amber.
"Alright then. Next steps," Macey announced, ignoring the fact she was naked from bursting through her clothes while shifted.
Cam shrugged off his jacket and handed it to her, and she took it gratefully, wrapping it around herself and enjoying his scent as it wafted to her nose.
"We need to get out of here and make a plan," Jared said.
"No," three voices responded all at once. Macey frowned. She knew why she was saying no to him. But why were Amber and Izban?
"Who wants to go first?" Flint asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"I think my brothers are in there," Macey
"I'm not having Amber in danger again," Izban spoke over the top of her, glaring at her men.
"Now hang on a minute," Amber said, putting her hands on her hips. "You're not the boss of me, Izban. I'm not sitting back and letting the Voice get away with this."
Despite having been in captivity for who knows how long, the other woman looked surprisingly strong, and Macey wouldn't mess with her if she didn't have to.
"You've been in there for weeks, Amber, no one can expect you to go back there," Izban countered, his voice softening with unspent emotions.
"That hardly matters. Do you think the bastard is going to wait for me to recover his strength? Besides, you let me fly during that storm. You can't complain that this is any more or less dangerous." She crossed her arms and fixed him with a look.
But all Macey wanted to know about was her use of the word fly. What was the red-head? Up until that moment, Macey had just assumed she was some kind of storm mage, but it sounded like that wasn't the case.
"That was before you were kidnapped. You look half-starved, Amber..."
The other woman couldn't have looked angrier if she'd tried, and Macey took a moment to fix her men with a knowing look. They knew if they ever tried to do this to her, then they might as well wish they were dead.
"So why did you two want to go back into the castle?" Flint interceded, earning himself an angry look from both Izban and Amber.
"I didn't want to go there," Izban protested. "I just meant that we didn't want to come with you four. This is where Amber and I go our own way."
Amber put her hands on her hips, frowning at the blue-haired man. "It is? I think I'll have something to say about that."
Izban sighed. "You don't know them. We don't owe them anything; it was me who tracked you here. Let's go back to the school and forget this all happened."
"Forget?!" Amber shrieked angrily. "I've been tortured. I've been hurt. A part of me still wants to attack Macey because of what the Voice showed me. I won't be able to forget this. Ever. So, if you want to go, fine, but rest assured you'll never see me again."
Izban stared at her, speechless. Inside, Macey applauded her. Despite her youthful looks and her current weak condition, she'd told him off in the most magnificent way. She was making notes for future uses.
"Now, I'm going to go back in there," Amber continued. "I'm no longer alone and I'm no longer bound. We can fight him together. There's no point in leaving now while we're already here."
Suddenly, the world evaporated. It was like the people around Macey suddenly dissolved into mist and drifted away, leaving her alone. Well, not quite alone.
Amber was by her side. There was nothing else. Not even colour. They were standing on a white floor, but there were no walls, no nothing. Just endless whiteness.
"Amber?" Macey asked carefully, "Are you seeing the same?"
"If you mean a lot of white, then yes. And no Izban." Her voice was quivering slightly.
"Stop being so dramatic!" Macey shouted, trying to convince both herself and Amber that they needn't be afraid.
The Voice ignored her.
Mist drifted into the air around them, forming shapes and colours, until they were suddenly back in the courtyard where Macey had first laid eyes upon Amber. She still didn't know what that girl was, except that she was strong. Incredibly strong.
"I will get out of here, I will get out of here," Amber began to whisper, a desperate mantra. "I will get out of here. I will..."
Without warning, they were ripped apart, flying through the air until they landed roughly on opposite ends of the courtyard. Ignoring the pain in her limbs, Macey jumped to her feet. She could guess what the Voice was planning next.
A beithir! Finally, Macey knew what Amber was. And it scared her a little. She didn't know a lot about beithirs except that they could kill in a variety of ways. Their fangs were poisonous, they could control the weather, they could fly and attack you from above. When they shifted, of course. So far, Amber had stayed human, which is why Macey hadn't figured out her species before. It was hard not to recognise a shifted beithir... there weren't any other supernaturals that looked like a giant snake.
Amber was still on the ground, weakly trying to get to her feet. She'd expended too much energy; she wasn't going to be much of a threat.
But... when had reality been taken over by the Voice? Had it been after Amber attacked Macey with lightning? Or before? If it was before... then Amber would still have enough power to do another such attack. And Macey wasn't sure if she could escape her fate a second time. Had the Voice let them play out their battle in their minds so he could see what was going to happen? Did he want to see how they would escape so he could prevent it from ever happening?
Macey shivered. How was she supposed to fight someone who could play with her perception of what was real and what wasn't? She was still having trouble believing that she hadn't just spoken to her men. Were they really coming for her? Was Izban actually able to do a tracking spell, or had that bit been Amber's wishful thinking?
KILL HER, the Voice repeated and this time, Amber was magically dragged onto her feet by an unseen force. She wavered, but somehow managed to stand. Tiny sparks of lightning began to flicker around the girl's fingers and Macey prepared for the inevitable.
But wait... she was no longer wearing the copper cuffs. That had to mean that the battle had taken place and their combined power had opened them.
Was the Voice aware of that? Did he want an execution or a cat fight?
Amber opened her mouth, but Macey couldn't hear what she was saying. They were too far apart. Well, that could be rectified.
Macey carefully walked towards Amber, aware that there might be a dangerous surprise waiting at every step. Earlier, there'd been guards lying dead or unconscious all over the courtyard. This time, they were alone.
She shook her head in confusion. There was no way of telling what was real and what wasn't. Maybe she was still in her cell. Maybe she'd never even met Amber and this was all one giant illusion.
Suddenly, the air in front of her flickered and someone appeared. Someone very familiar with very blue hair.
Amber's eyes widened as she saw her friend. He didn't move; he seemed more statue than living being. Macey walked around him and took a closer look.
His eyes were moving but the rest of him wasn't. His face was an expressionless mask, but his eyes told her of his fear.
She could almost believe that he was real. That he was in danger.
A lightning bolt hit the ground next to her and she jumped back in surprise. Amber seemed to be convinced that Izban was real.
Another bolt of lightning crashed down at Macey's side, and she almost jumped back. If she was going to have Amber around, then she'd probably better get used to having this happen.
"Amber," she tried to whisper, but her voice was hoarse, as if from a lack of water. That was odd. Unless there were other side effects of the visions the Voice had given them.
There wasn't any answer.
Macey steeled herself, then waved her hand through Izban's still form, completely unsurprised when her hand passed right through him. Another visual trick then.
"Amber, please," she shouted, the wind that was beginning to rage stealing her words. Potentially the other woman's doing too. She'd heard that beithirs were storm creatures, not just lightning ones. "He's not real."
Her words weren't having any effect, and one look at the redhead revealed just how bad things were. Her eyes had taken on a crazed look, and there was no doubt about how mad the woman was.
"AMBER!" she shou
ted even louder, but again, no response.
Sucking in a deep breath, she did the only thing she could think of, and unleashed a ball of water at the girl.
A sharp squeal, followed by a calming in the winds, told her the trick had worked even better than she'd intended.
"What did you do that for?" Amber shouted, venom almost as poisonous as her fangs dripping from her tone.
"He's not real," Macey said softly, ignoring the glares she received in return. "Look." She passed her hand through the still form of the blue-haired man, and Amber's green eyes widened.
"How do I know he's not trapped somewhere here?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, and Macey's heart went out to her. She felt the same way when she thought of her own men in danger, so there was very little doubt in her mind how Amber felt about Izban.
Good job he seemed to feel the same.
"Because I was with him before I was taken," she replied softly, hoping the Voice wouldn't be able to hear her whispers, but knowing that hope was likely in vain.
"You were?" Amber perked up at that, and Macey smiled.
"Yes. He was trying to find you."
Amber sighed. "He's so demanding," she tried to joke.
"And throws a lot of tantrums," Macey added.
"What do we do now?"
"I suppose you try and kill me."
Maybe not her best idea, but they at least had to pretend for the moment.
"That seems a little counterproductive."
Macey cracked a smile. She could get used to having Amber around if she was going to make comments like that.
"Just while we think of an actual plan."
This time, Amber nodded. "Okay, sounds like the best idea we have."
"Which isn't saying a lot."
The red-head laughed. "No, it really doesn't."
She took two steps back and squared off against Macey, pushing her sleeves up and readying herself.
"Prepare to die, bitch," Amber taunted.
"Bring it on," Macey replied, unable to help the amused smile tugging at her lips. When she knew the other woman wasn't actually going to be aiming for her, she kind of looked forward to facing off against her. It was just an intense kind of training really. Her men would be happy.