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- Laura Greenwood
Mirrors and Magic Page 2
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Page 2
The noise and smells of the market brings my attention back to what we're actually doing here. I won't admit it aloud, but I'm excited to finally visit the market and all it has to offer. I shouldn't have stayed away so long, but a little part of me is always scared I'll find a poisoned apple among the produce offered, even if the sensible thing to do is just avoid the apple cart.
"The history books disagree with you," Edward counters. "They suggest that it's more like tyrants get into power using a sword."
"Then I'd better learn how to use one." I wink at him before I realise what I'm doing. I turn away so he can't see my full face any longer.
This has never happened before. I've never had a friend who set me so at ease. Or maybe he's not a friend. Perhaps he's supposed to be more than that. Is that a good thing, or a bad one? The prophecy doesn’t mention a prince.
"I can teach you, if you'd like," he offers softly.
I stop walking and turn to face him, my skirts swishing out behind me in a way I'm sure looks quite lovely, but mother would say is unladylike. "Are you serious?"
"If you want me to be." He shrugs. "I've never taught anyone before, but I'm sure I could."
"Then I accept. Maybe I should call you Sir Edward instead of Prince?"
He smiles at my tease, and I start wondering when I became this person. Somewhere on the walk? It's unlikely that my nerves vanished for no reason other than a pleasant conversation.
The market saves me from examining those thoughts any closer. The stalls on the left are awash with the bright silks and other fabrics that many of the girls at the academy use for their dresses. I haven't gotten any new clothes since I came here, I don't dare in case one of them comes with a corset.
I pull away from him, dropping the one physical connection we have, and walk forward, closer to the vibrancy.
"Is there anything you particularly want to see?" Edward asks.
"Everything," I whisper, looking around in awe. I should face my fears more often.
He chuckles, and I turn back to face him at the sound.
"You look as if you don't see things like this much," he says softly.
"I don't," I admit. "But I want to walk through all of it first, then we can decide where to start with buying stuff?" I ask hopefully, the bag of coins in my dress pocket weighing me down all of a sudden. I've never thought about money much, but now I'm excited to use it.
"All right." He offers me his arm again and I link up with him.
The guard trails behind us still, a bored look on his face. I'll tip him well when we get back to the academy.
I take it all in, the sights, the sounds, the smells. Something delicious is cooking on almost every corner of the market and my mouth begins to water.
"Want to start with a drink?" Edward asks.
"Never mind a drink, I want some of that bread and goat cheese you talked about," I respond, reaching for his hand and tugging him towards a stand piled high with pots of honey.
Within minutes, we have all the things we need. My eyes flutter closed as I bite into the deliciousness.
"Wow, that's good," I say the moment my mouth is empty.
"I know." He grins at me, clearly pleased with himself for thinking of it. "Do you want some cider?" He points towards the cart with an old man selling it.
My eyes widen and I shake my head more sharply than anticipated. "I don't drink cider."
"It'll be delicious." He frowns, not understanding my meaning.
"I don't. I can't." My whole body starts to shake and realisation sets in. I'm about to go into an all-out panic attack in the middle of the street while on a date.
I breathe in slowly, trying to count and steady myself.
"Snow?" Edward asks softly. "Are you all right?"
I don't answer. I can't. Just the idea of drinking cider and risking my life has taken over me. Apples come in many forms, and I avoid all of them. Even apple blossom perfume, despite the fact I love the smell.
"Snow?" His voice sounds further away than before.
I reach out a hand, the one not clutching at my chest, but it falls short. I don't know what I want from him. To hold my hand? To hold me? Why is this so impossible already?
My vision blurs and I can't focus on what's in front of me. The back of my throat is dry. Maybe I should have drunk the cider after all.
"I'm going to guide you back to the academy's castle, is that all right?" he asks, placing one hand on my shoulder ever so softly.
I barely manage to nod as I start to sway from side to side. I hate this part of me. It overtakes me and stops my brain from functioning. There are no thoughts, no feeling except the blur and intensity of everything being too far away.
"Take one step forward, Snow," Edward says in calm soothing tones. He does it all the way back to the academy, and despite the distraction of my dazed mind, I find it comforting.
By the time we're back through the front doors, my focus is starting to return. Even so, Edward doesn't stop guiding me. He keeps me away from any of the teachers, though I'm sure the guard will report everything anyway. Part of his job is to ensure the safety of the students, and right now, I'm a danger to myself.
"I need you to tell me where your room is," Edward whispers.
I hope no one heard that. There are strict rules about the girls and boys dormitories, though as far as I know, no one enforces them. There's plenty of rumours going around about who slipped into what room.
"Third floor, north tower." My voice cracks as I speak. I need water.
"I'll get you there," he promises.
Chapter Three
I wish I don't have to leave my room. After my breakdown in the market, I haven't left all weekend, but now Monday is here and I have to go to lessons, though I'm not sure what will happen if I don't. Maybe there'll be a strongly worded letter home, and an equally stern one received by me a few days later. Or maybe not. The academy may not care.
Even so, I have to leave and go down to the stables. I'm not sure why they want us there, most of us have been riding our whole lives and teaching us will only waste everyone's time.
I smooth down my riding habit, the dark material of it suiting my mood even if it makes me look ghastly. With my dark hair, the only thing this outfit does is make my skin look paler. I should have a new one made in a lighter colour, but I've no idea where to go to get that done.
None of the other students pay me any attention as I make my way through the castle and outside. The others from my class mill around. No teacher yet.
"Snow?" Edward's voice stops me in my tracks.
I turn around slowly, heat already rushing to my cheeks. I can't believe I let him see me so vulnerable. I don't want him to think I'm some weakling princess that everyone wants rid of.
"Hi." My voice shakes, but I wave a hand at him anyway.
A small smile breaks over his face, relief swiftly follows. He runs a hand through his hair. "So you're not mad at me?"
I blink a few times, trying to work out the best way to respond to that.
"No." My brows furrow together. "Why would I be mad at you?"
"I don't know, I've been worrying that I did something to upset you on Friday..."
"Oh. You didn't."
We stand there, staring at one another and not saying a word. It's not uncomfortable as such, but I find it difficult to put words on how I'm feeling.
"Will you tell me what happened?" he asks.
"Good morning class," the teacher walks through the crowd, far more cheery than he should be first thing in the morning. "I'm Professor Hibbert."
"Good morning, Professor Hibbert," the class chants in freakish unison.
I'm not sure whether his entrance has saved me from having to open up to Edward, or cursed me for not doing already.
"I'm sure you're all wondering what we're doing here," the professor says loudly.
Whispers run through the class. No doubt everyone wants to know. It's certainly odd having a lesson out here. But th
en again, I haven't been here long, which means the rest of the students here with me haven't either. We haven't had all the types of lessons we possibly can yet, which is no doubt showing.
"I see some of you are dressed for riding." He looks between the students. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you."
More confusion spreads among us. Edward closes the small gap between us and tentatively places a hand on the small of my back. I lean into his touch without thinking about it, surprisingly soothed by his presence.
"But I won't waste your time with words," Professor Hibbert announces proudly. "Follow me." He claps his hands together, only serving to confuse the class more.
Despite myself, I shoot a confused glance at Edward.
"Only one way to find out," he mutters.
The next moment, he's holding out his arm to me and I slip mine through, trying not to think about the level of familiarity this suggests. But I'm not in any position to turn down the kindness of a stranger, particularly one who doesn't seem too put off by the events in the market.
"Will you tell me what happened?" he asks, keeping his voice low enough that the other students aren't likely to hear him. I appreciate that too. I know they think they know me already, but I prefer to keep them in the dark on the parts of me that aren't out in the open.
Two parts of me war about whether or not I should tell him. I don't go around broadcasting things about myself, but at the same time, no one has ever shown an interest. Not like Edward is. Don't I owe it to him to give him some kind of explanation that doesn't make it sound like I'm crazy?
I sigh. "Did you know that some of the students here are trying to escape prophecies?"
"Yes. My father paid for one of the maid's daughter to come here a while back, I think her name was Belle. I never met her and she didn't return, but I think it worked. It's hard to tell sometimes." He looks off into the distance, as if remembering what he's been told.
"I'm one of those students," I blurt out. "I have a prophecy about me." I try to focus on the path we're taking, but find I can't. Edward seems to be keeping us in the right direction and following the other students, which is a relief. I don't want to get us lost.
"Oh." He nods. "I suppose that makes sense. But what has that to do with what happened in the market?"
Honesty, compassion, and a desire to protect all war across his face. Something melts from around my heart. I've never considered whether or not I can find someone to love. It always came secondary to the prophecy in my eyes and something I'd focus on once I graduated from Grimm Academy and put the prophecy firmly in my past.
"Do you believe in them?" I ask, ignoring his question for my own.
"I believe they can come true in certain situations. There's magic in this world, and pretending it doesn't exist isn't the wisest option."
"I believe in it too."
"Ah. And you have since you were told about your prophecy. How old were you?"
"I don't remember," I answer honestly. "I was about ten when I realised what it all means. But I knew it before that."
"Wow. I don't think I realised you were all told so young."
"I don't think we all are," I say softly.
Edward stops in his tracks, and it takes me a moment to realise the rest of the class has stopped moving too and are now crowded around Professor Hibbert with rapt attention on their faces.
We're at the edge of the woods on the ground, suspiciously close to the place the Huntsmen use. I don't know why we're here, but I know the elite woodsmen won't take kindly to us encroaching on their space. They're the territorial sort.
"Something wonderful happened overnight," the professor exclaims loudly.
The chatter dies down and everyone starts paying attention to him now.
"One of the unicorns stabled in the town has had a foal!" Professor Hibbert claps his hands together in excitement.
And I can understand why. Unicorns are rare, I didn't even realise anyone in town keeps them.
As if on cue, a young woman brings the beautiful white beast forward in front of the class. Except that white doesn't do the creature justice. She's pearlescent, all the colours possible flash through her coat as she comes to a stop.
"She's beautiful," I whisper, forgetting every care in the world and taking a step forward. Something deep within me wants to touch the creature, she deserves all the love and attention I can give. And that's a lot.
Edward reaches out and grabs my hand with his. "We shouldn't. Not until we're invited to."
I stop, disappointment welling up within me. I know he's right, but a part of me doesn't want to accept that. It just wants to play with the unicorn.
And then the baby trots out from behind its mother and I melt. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, all I do know is that I want to touch it even more than I do the grown one.
"Whoah, girl," the handler says as the foal trots into the crowd of students. Surprise is written all over her face.
The unicorn comes towards us, and I don't know how I know, but it's coming for me.
I crouch down, not caring about my skirts, and hold my hand out to the foal. It doesn't have a horn yet, just a little fuzzy nub where it's going to grow.
It walks right up to me and pushes its head into my hands. No, not it. The handler had said girl, meaning it's a girl.
"Hello," I whisper to it. "Do you have a name?"
"Not yet," the handler says, startling me with how close she is. "Sorry, I didn't realise you hadn't heard me."
"That's all right," I lie. I don't like being crept up on, though it reassures me to have Edward standing right behind me.
"Why doesn't she have a name?" he asks for me.
Professor Hibbert doesn't respond. One glance around reveals him standing with the rest of the students and looking on with awe.
"Normally, unicorns are only named when they've bonded with one of the handlers. This little one hasn't taken to anyone until today." The handler has an odd smile on her face, one I can't put a name to.
My heart sinks. She's bonded with someone? Why does that make me feel so bad?
"She means you, Snow," Edward mumbles.
Oh. "What do I do now?" I ask.
"Name her," the handler insists. "She's bonded to you for life."
I look up sharply, only now pulling my whole attention away from the tiny unicorn. "She's mine?" My eyes widen. Will people hate me for this? I don't want anyone to think I'm stealing their unicorn from them.
The handler laughs, the sound tinkling through the air and filling it with an odd joy. I can see why she works with unicorns, there's definitely something about her that's soothing and joyful.
"She's yours as much as unicorns belong to anyone. You'll find they're more likely to feel like they own you, not the other way around."
"I can get on board with that." I scratch the neck of the baby, and it leans into me again. "Her name is Luna." I'm not sure where the name comes from, but it feels right.
The handler nods. "We'll move her into the academy stables for you as soon as she's comfortable leaving her mother."
"You're going to separate them?" I jump to my feet, panic building within me. "She won't like that."
"She'll like being parted from you even less," the handler assures me.
"But I don't know the first thing about unicorns," I whisper. The last thing I want to do is make the poor thing upset for no reason other than it being amazing to have a unicorn.
"Someone will be around to help you with the transition," the handler assures me. "You won't be left having to deal with her until you're ready to."
I sigh with relief. That's good news, though a small part of me is still nervous about it. "Thank you," I respond.
Whispers start up again from the other students. I'm not surprised, from what I've witnessed since I came here, they love a good gossip. Other than the rumour about me being scared of my own shadow, I'm not normally the subject of any of them. At least, I don't think I am. After to
day, I think that will change, and I'm not sure how to deal with it.
Now I'm the scared princess with a unicorn. And a prince, if any of them have noticed how Edward looks at me. Which is a certainty, because I notice myself.
I glance back at him, I'm not sure why. For reassurance? He offers me a comfort I don't have a name for.
"That sounds wonderful, thank you."
"I need to get back to the planned lesson now, but we can arrange more details after," the handler informs me. "She'll probably want to stay with you the whole time, though."
"That's all right, I'm happy to have her." As if to prove the handler right, the foal pushes her body against my leg. I reach down and rest a gentle hand on her head.
Edward slips an arm around my waist, and even though I haven't known him long, I lean into his touch, appreciating it more than I have words for.
Chapter Four
Unicorns are lifelong companions, once they have bonded with a person, they're unlikely to leave them unless they are treated with negligence. Unicorn tears are often used in the creation of countercurses due to their strong protective properties. It is rare that unicorn owners are affected by malicious spells.
"Huh." I flip through the next few pages, trying to see if there's more about the curse-breaking powers of unicorns. If this is true, then it could make a huge difference for me. But only once Luna is fully grown. If the book is to be believed, which I'm not sure about. It's not like I know anyone who owns a unicorn.
A bell somewhere deep in the academy rings and I jump to my feet. It's later than I think and I don't want to be late for my next class.
The flash of light against the mirror on the dressing table makes me pause, and I turn around slowly.
The blanket over the top of it should cover the entire glass, but it's slipped off, revealing a sliver of the mirror beneath. My heart beats out a fast-paced rhythm.
"It's all right, it isn't going to hurt you, it's just a mirror," I whisper to myself.
I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, hoping it'll steady me. It's a vain hope if the tight and twisty feeling in my stomach is anything to go by.