Stoking The Embers Read online

  Stoking The Embers

  The Dragon Duels #1

  Laura Greenwood


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Author Note

  Also by Laura Greenwood

  About the Author

  © 2021 Laura Greenwood

  * * *

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission of the published, except as provided by United States of America copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address; [email protected].

  Visit Laura Greenwood’s website at:

  Cover Design by Ryn Katryn Digital Art

  Stoking The Embers is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Two hundred and fifty people go into the Dragon Duels. One in fifteen come out.

  When Raine finds herself part of the quarterly Dragon Duels, she has to do everything she can to survive without losing herself in the process. Teaming up with a volunteer from the White Towers is the last thing she thought she'd do, but Cobalt has the information she needs to live to win, and she isn't about to let that slip through her fingers.

  Escaping from the dragons is only half the battle - does she have what it takes to win the rest?


  Stoking the Embers is book one in the Dragon Duels series, an urban fantasy adventure with a dystopian flare and a slow burn m/f romance.

  Chapter One

  Ash rains down from the sky. Somewhere, a fire is blazing and someone is losing another attack. I stare out of the window, searching for the silhouette I know will be there.

  Even from this distance, I can see the creature is huge. Large wings flap against the clouds. It gives out a roar and fire spurts from the dragon's mouth, turning the grey sky a burnt orange. I should feel shock, or outrage. Instead, all I have is resignation. This is the way the world works now. We're slaves to the dragons, kept in line by all the things they do.

  And there's only one way to escape it. I glance longingly over at the White Towers in the distance. The dragon will be heading back there in a moment, but not to destroy it. It will nest in the mountains on either side.

  "You're never going to get there, Raine," my sister says, knowing what I'm thinking before I even say it out loud.

  I turn to face her. The beautiful blonde hair falls down her back and frames her perfectly formed face. She's everything I'm not. She could get to the White Towers via the Marriage Market, though I know she refuses to go there. Me on the other hand, it's not something that's open to me. I'm not pretty enough, nor am I timid or obedient. Both of those are an issue for the market, and reduce my value too much for it to be worth it. It's a stupid system.

  "There's nothing for me there anyway." No one ever comes back from the White Towers, and I have too much to live for here. I don't want to leave Mila on her own. If the wrong person catches her, then she could end up at the Marriage Market through no choice of her own. No one checks whether the woman is a willing participant. They don't care.

  "You're not still thinking about volunteering for the Dragon Duels again, are you?" She sighs with exasperation.

  "No." It's partly a lie. If she wasn't here, then I probably would try and join the mysterious competition. I've heard that winners get the option to join the Dragon Defenders, the guard who help defend the city. They're not very good at it, but something is better than nothing when it comes to the dragons.

  But it's not something I'm seriously considering. The chances of me dying are higher than I'm comfortable with, especially when I don't personally know anyone who has come back from the Duels alive to ask about it. No way can I put Mila through that.

  "Good, they're dangerous."

  "I know, Mila," I assure her. "It was only an idle thought I had years ago. Can we drop it?" I'm not sure why she brings it up so much when I've constantly said I'm not going to go through with the plan. As tough as our life is, I enjoy having it.

  I try not to let relief show on my face when she nods. I don't want to argue with her.

  "What do you want for dinner?" she asks.

  I shrug. "What have we got?"

  "Some old rice and maybe some dehydrated chicken."

  I wince. That's hardly enough to feed us both and still be healthy at the end of it. "Give me a couple of hours, I'll go get some bread."

  "We can't afford bread," she points out.

  "Then I'll make a trade with the baker. I'm sure there's something I can do for him."

  "You're not supposed to use the Arts," she hisses. "It's illegal."

  I roll my eyes. "Everyone does it."

  "I don't."

  I bite my tongue, not wanting to point out that the only reason she doesn't use her Arts is because she doesn't have access to the same powers as I do. Anyone who can use the magic given to us by the Arts uses them. We'd be idiots not to when it's such an in-demand quality.

  She shakes her head, but doesn't say anything else. I can understand that. It must be frustrating to live with someone like me. But when the choice is eat or not break the law, I know which one I choose.

  I grab my jacket from the table and zip it up, and I'm out the door before she can truly stop me. She'll eat the bread when I get back too. And thank me. This isn't a world where standing by your morals always pays off.

  Rather, it never does.

  The ash lands on me, dusting my jacket with the stuff. I roll my eyes at it, and push a stray lock of pale blue hair behind my ear. The streets are teeming with people, but that's to be expected. Everyone who lives around here is used to the ash. We may hate it, but there's nothing unusual about it.

  Something is always burning, the ash always falls.

  I dip into a back alley and along the paths that'll lead to the closest bakery I know of where the baker will deal with the Arts in exchange for bread. Everyone learns who is willing to make a trade and who is more likely to hand someone over to the enforcers, never to be seen again. People change their minds all the time, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Especially if it means feeding my sister tonight.

  My knock echoes loudly on the bakery's back door. It swings open, revealing the portly baker with his ruddy red cheeks.

  "Raine," he says as a way of greeting.

  "Smythe," I return. "Need anything?" There's no point beating around the bush. Even without saying the words, he knows what I mean. Anyone living in the city knows how to talk about illegal things without saying it.

  "No. And you shouldn't be asking, there are enforcers around tonight." He slams the door in my face.

  Great. There are other places I can try, but it's going to get risky if I have to ask more people.

  I set back off into the da
rkening evening. The ash has that effect, making it difficult to make out what's happening in the gloom.

  Main street is lined with boarded-up shops. No one wants to own them here, not when there are enforcers walking up and down at all times of day.

  I scan the street for them. Smythe says they're out in force, but I can't see any more than usual. There's two over by the old boarded-up tavern, but they're hardly paying any attention to the people on the street.

  Hardly out in droves.

  A scowl crosses over my face. If Smythe has found someone who does a better deal, then I'm surprised. A loaf or two of bread in exchange for using the Arts is nothing.

  I push those thoughts to the side. What does it matter if Smythe has changed his mind about the Arts? The reason behind it isn't important to me, and it shouldn't be.

  The most important tip to staying alive in the city, is to keep my attention on my own problems, and my own interests. No one else's.

  I turn down the next street, wrinkling my nose at the size of the ash pile which has made itself known outside the miller's house. I don't know him very well, but I've heard he's willing to trade when the occasion calls for it. Given the size of the pile, it does.

  I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and rap on the front door a few times.

  It swings open almost instantly, and a thin wiry man looks at me with leery eyes.

  Neither of us say anything, but that doesn't mean a transaction isn't taking place. He nods once, then shuts the door again.

  I turn back to the pile of ash and roll up my sleeves. I check around for any enforcers, but they don't seem to have come into sight of the street I'm on. Hopefully it'll stay that way. I'm not in the mood to get hurt. I touch the Nazar charm around my wrist for good luck. Grandfather gave it to me before he disappeared. He said he got it from an old woman who claimed to have travelled around the entire world. I'm not sure about that. Or about the protection powers she told him it has. But it reminds me of him, and sometimes, it's nice to think he's watching over me, particularly when I'm about to do something dangerous.

  The Arts crackle to life, covering my hands with the sizzle of power. I'm not sure where they come from, or how it works, but I never feel more alive than when I'm calling on them.

  I check for guards once more, before turning my attention to the ash. It only takes me a few minutes to get into the swing of things, and the ash soon changes form into a pile of dark grey bricks. I can't make it disappear completely, that's not how the Arts work, but I can change the ash's shape so it isn't in the way as much. And so that it can be moved when the time is right.

  Once all of the ash has been turned into bricks, I step back and dust off my hands, letting the Arts fade away. Yet another day breaking the rules and not getting caught.

  The door opens behind me, and I turn around in time to find it closing already. But that's not what is important. A bag of flour sits on the doorstep, not yet covered in ash. It isn't bread, but it means we can make it, and that's the next best thing.

  I hurry over and scoop it up, hiding it inside my jacket. I doubt anyone will try and steal it on my way back home, and I know for certain that no one will bother asking me where I got it from, but sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry.

  The ash is falling thicker now. The dragons must have burned a lot tonight. A shiver runs down my spine. It's only a matter of time until they move on to our part of the city. Hopefully when they do, it will be over quickly.

  Despite curfew approaching quickly, there are just as many people around as before. No one listens to that law anyway. To be honest, there aren't many laws any of us listen to. When everyone breaks them, what's the point?

  I don't talk to anyone as I pass. I don't know any of them, and they don't know me, which leaves us all as nothing more than a threat to one another's way of life. Anyone can be an informant, and anyone can be dragged off. Where they go is a mystery to us all, but they never come back, and that's all we need to know.

  I turn my thoughts to the bread Mila will make once I'm home. I hope we have some spare raisins in the pantry, or any at all. I love it when she bakes them into the bread.

  My mouth begins to water at the thought and I speed up in response. It'll take a while for it to bake, so the sooner I get home, the better. Besides, once I'm behind the safety of our front door, I can't do anything that'll get me into trouble.

  I hope.

  Chapter Two

  I glance longingly at the last of the raisin bread. It's already a couple of days old, and we'll need to eat it today before it goes stale anyway, but that doesn't mean I should gobble it up without thinking. I should wait and...

  "Have it,” Mila says, pushing the two slices towards me.


  "No. Have it," she insists. "You're only going to regret it if you don’t.”

  My gaze flits between her and the bread, trying to decide what the best course of action is.

  Mila shakes her head in bemusement and wipes her hands on her apron, turning away to get the pot of soup she's made from the stove. Not for the first time, a wave of guilt floods through me at how much she looks after me. I know there are things I do to help her too, but that isn't the point.

  "Don't start with me, Raine," she says in the stern voice she learned from Grandmother. "You need it more than I do."

  "That's not true," I protest, somehow feeling like I'm a child again. I'm only eighteen months younger than her.

  Mila sighs as she peels off her apron. "You're the one who goes to do manual labour. All I do is sit around and sew all day."

  "Why do you make it sound as if your job isn't hard work too?" I cock my head to the side and study her.

  She doesn't look twenty. She's too tired for it. I don't imagine I look like most eighteen year old's should either. We've been looking after ourselves for too long and it shows.

  Mila shrugs. "I enjoy it. And if I work hard enough, I can get some kind of scholarship. If you get the promotion you were talking about, then our whole lives could change."

  I snort without meaning to. "I think that ship sailed long ago."

  I grab the raisin bread and tear off a hunk anyway. It's already dry, but I still like the taste of it. And there's the added benefit of it filling my stomach. Sometimes, all we have to live off is a handful of berries or something similar, and it's not enough. Even an hour or two after eating, my stomach starts to growl.

  A bell starts to toll throughout the city. I wince. I'm not sure what they use to make the sound, but it goes right through me every time. I suppose there are some advantages to that, but only because being late to work is grounds for instant dismissal. The jobs here pay so little that even missing one day's pay can end up causing more problems than anyone would like.

  "I have to go," I tell Mila, jumping to my feet.

  She grabs my coat, and hands it to me, before turning back to our rack to get her own.

  The comforting weight of the heavy material is enough to guard me against the world outside. I'm not sure how anyone in my family even saved enough money for a coat like this, especially as Mila has one that's almost as good. But whoever it was, I'm grateful to them. The coats have served us well, keeping the ash from our clothes, and the cold at bay.

  I pat myself down to make sure I have everything I might need for the day. Not that it's much, but I at the very least need to have my ID card with me in case I get stopped by any of the patrols. I blow my sister a kiss and step out of the front door.

  Ash drifts through the air, thicker than yesterday, but not as bad as it can be. That's what happens when it rains. The ash and water mix into a thick sludge that's hard to get out of things and difficult to walk through.

  A shiver runs through me at the thought. I pull my coat closer to me, though it isn't going to stop the ash that has already made its way inside. It doesn't matter. My clothes and skin are already stained with the stuff. There's no escaping it.

  The brisk walk to work pas
ses in a blur, though that's not necessarily a good thing. I have an entire day of back-breaking work ahead of me, with no chances to use the Arts to make it easier. Our foremen spend too much time looking over our shoulders for me to be able to get away with it.

  Dull metal gates appear in front of me before I'm ready, but I can't be late. There are bad consequences for anyone who is. I dig around in my pocket for my ID and swipe it across the dock on the gates, clocking in along with dozens of other workers.

  We line up neatly as we wait for our assignments. Several trucks sit idling at the other side of the yard, waiting for anyone working offsite. I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but I think there are more than normal.

  "Raine Mason?" one of the foremen calls.

  I step forward, not nervous in the slightest. Sometimes this happens. They call upon individuals because of whatever their skill set is. Not that I have one in particular, but they must have something in mind.

  "Follow me," he says without even introducing himself.

  I roll my eyes, but don't say a word. I know how to stay quiet when I need to. Most of the time. And only because I got into trouble a lot at school for having a smart mouth.

  I expect the foreman to call out other names, but he doesn't even pause as we walk through the assembled workers.

  It's only when we pass into the admin building that I start to worry. Have I done something wrong? I run through the past week or so, but can't pinpoint anything in particular. Certainly not something at work, and it wouldn't be my boss disciplining me for using the Arts, it would be the guards.

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