Song of Seas Page 3
I resist the urge to offer to teach him. I can't do that and keep quiet about my true nature.
"I'm glad I was here, then."
"Me too." He pauses, seeming to be lost in thought but it's hard to tell when I don't know him. "I'm Lewis, by the way."
"Matilda. But my friends call me Mati." Well, my human friends do. My name sounds different in mer.
"Do I get to be included in that number?" Lewis asks.
"If you'd like." I try to keep my excitement in check. All he's really said is that he's grateful I didn't let him die. Which makes sense. Anyone would feel that way.
He leans back on his rock, seeming to relax a little now he knows my name. "I hear there's a ball at the end of the week," he says.
"There is." Gerda has been talking about it ever since I got back to the academy. She loves going to balls now she has someone to dance with the entire night.
I'm only a little bit jealous about it. Especially as both her and Kai are good friends and make sure they spend some of their evenings with me. And it's not like the boys at the academy ignore me when they need a dance partner, though I imagine most of them chose me because they want to dance with someone already on the floor and need me to get to them.
I don't mind too much. I love to dance and that gives me an opportunity to.
"Are you planning on going?" Lewis asks.
Is that a hint of nervousness in his voice?
"Would you save me a dance?"
Is he really asking that? I feel like I'm in a dream. I pinch myself beneath the water, wincing in pain when I end up doing it harder than I meant to.
"I'd like that," I admit.
Even in the darkness, I can see the wide smile that spreads over his face and the relief floods over him through the relaxing of his shoulders. He must have expected me to say no for some reason.
"I look forward to it," he says. "But I have to go now. I need to be up early with the other recruits to do the drills before lessons start and it will be torture if I don't get enough sleep."
I chuckle. "You're not the only one. I should be getting back to the castle before it's too late too." Though I still need to finish my swim if I want to have enough of a refresh to make a difference.
"Good night, Mati, I look forward to seeing you at the ball."
"Me too."
I watch him leave, a small smile playing at my lips the entire time. I wonder if Gerda is still awake? I need to tell her about what's happened tonight, she'll be so excited about it. A small part of me thinks I should wait until the morning, but I need to talk to her about it so I know it's not just a dream.
Chapter Five
I lean back in my chair, trying to focus on what the teacher at the front of class is saying, while failing miserably.
"You're still thinking about him, aren't you?" Gerda teases from beside me. She must not be paying much attention to the history of boats either. I know it has a fancier name, but I just can't bring myself to be more interested considering that there are easier ways for me to get about while at sea.
"No," I deny.
She raises an eyebrow. "Why don't I believe you?"
I sigh. "The same reason I didn't believe you when you said Kai was just a friend."
A small laugh bursts from her, forcing her to smother it quickly so we don't get caught.
"Are you saying you want more?"
I pause for a moment, considering the implications of what she's saying. It's dangerous for me to feel this way when I know that unrequited love threatens to make my prophecy into my reality.
But that's not what this is. Lewis asked me to save him a dance at the ball, which means he's just as interested in me as I am in him. Maybe. I don't have much experience in situations like this, so perhaps I'm reading it completely wrong. The only relationships I've seen up close are that of my parents, and the one my best friend is forging with Kai. One of them is definitely not something I want to emulate, and the other is so new that it's impossible to.
"He wants me to dance with him at the ball."
"I know. You couldn't stop talking about it last night," Gerda teases. "I promise we'll make you look beautiful for the occasion."
A flush springs to my cheeks.
"Do you know how long they'll be here?"
"The officers-in-training?" she checks.
I nod.
Before Gerda can answer, the chair in front of us scrapes back and a perfectly made-up face forces its way into our conversation.
"Why are the two of you talking about the officers-in-training?" Lady Penelope asks.
"That's none of your business," Gerda bites back.
"Of course it is. I'm your superior in every way."
Gerda rolls her eyes. "Mati is a Princess."
"Of the mer, who knows what that's worth," Penelope responds snidely. "And you're just the daughter of a Baron."
"Not everything is about titles," I mutter.
"That's what you think. The only place that doesn't care about what we put in front of our names is the academy. No matter where you go after this, people will care." She turns up her nose.
"Lady Penelope?" the teacher calls, directing all of our attention back to the front of the room.
"Yes, Miss Drury?" she says sweetly, as if she hasn't just been unnecessarily spiteful.
"Is there something you wish to share with the rest of the class?" Miss Drury asks.
I suck in a breath, hoping she isn't going to say anything that'll get me or Gerda into trouble. It's not like we were goading her, but we were talking in class rather than paying attention and I can see our teacher not being a particular fan of that.
"No, Miss Drury," Penelope replies, avoiding eye contact and staring at the scribbled sheet of notes in front of her instead.
At least that should keep her quiet for a bit.
"Then please face the front and pay attention." She turns back to the board and starts to talk through more about the subject she's trying to teach us all about.
"That was a close one," Gerda mutters.
"She's a piece of work." She nods towards Penelope as if I have no idea who she's talking about already.
"You can say that again." I don't know what I'd done to the girl to deserve the way she acts towards me. Then again, the answer is probably nothing. From what I've seen, she doesn't like anyone much. I don't know why. Maybe she's too caught up on what titles mean and doesn't actually think hers is good enough. I don't know why when the world is moving away from them being as important unless you're a Crown Princess.
"So, do you know how long the officers will be here?" I ask again.
Gerda shrugs. "I don't know, I'm sorry. But if Lewis asked you for a dance, then it's at least until then. Maybe you can ask him while you're at the ball?"
I nod. It's the only thing I can do to find out. I should have asked him while we were at the lake, but I didn't think about it. I was far too taken aback by the fact he was there at all.
Gerda reaches out and takes my hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. "It will all work out the way it's supposed to," she promises.
"I hope you're right." I know her words are coming from the right place, but it's hard to accept them as true when there's a prophecy involved.
Saying that, I haven't heard about any of the students at Grimm having their prophecy come completely true. They all seem to be able to stop it before anything bad happens.
I should remember that the next time I'm worrying about whether or not my own is going to become reality. But that's hard to do when it's hanging over my head.
We turn our attention back to class. While I don't find it interesting, I do have to pass it so I can move on to the next one. I'm not sure what it is, but I hope it's more engaging than Miss Drury's class.
It passes in a blur, but not because of what we're learning. Instead, I find my mind going to what I'm going to wear to the ball and how I'm going to do my hair.
A small voice whispers that Lewis won't actually ask me to dance, but I push it away. I'll be disappointed if the dance doesn't become a reality, but it'll be fine. I can still have fun at the ball without him. I've done it countless times before, and I'll do it many times again.
The bell in the tallest tower that signals the end of our lesson rings out. I sigh with relief, glad I don't have to listen to any more about boats.
I rise to my feet along with all of the other members of our class and start to pack up my belongings. Just as I'm about to leave, Penelope turns around and glares at me with daggers in her eyes.
I frown, confused about what I could possibly have done to her, especially when it was Gerda who spent most of her time sparring with the other girl.
"Come on, we should go decide what you're wearing for the ball," my friend says, slipping her arm through mine and pulling me along with her.
I don't ask how she knows I don't have another class right now. Gerda is great at remembering schedules, I suspect she knows mine almost as well as I do.
I go along with it, not wanting to waste any more time trying to work out what I've done to Penelope to make her dislike me this much.
Chapter Six
The ball is in full swing by the time the three of us arrive. We don't mean to show up so late, but Kai managed to get himself a black eye during archery and it took some time for Gerda to convince him that no one will notice in the dim light of the ballroom.
I feel like Princess as I walk in wearing my deep blue gown which glitters in a similar way to how my scales do. It feels risky to be wearing something that reminds everyone of what I am, but it gives me confidence that can't be faked.
"Why don't we get something to drink while we work out if your officer is here?" Gerda suggests.
I nod, but stop in my tracks as I spot Lewis heading straight for me.
My heart skips a beat. He must have been watching for me entering.
He stops in front of me and gives a short bow. "May I have this dance?" He holds out his hand.
I shoot a quick glance at my friends, who both nod eagerly. I assume Gerda must have filled Kai in on everything that's going on. I doubt they have any secrets from one another at this point.
I place my hand gently in Lewis' as a large smile crosses over his face. We make our way over to the dance floor where several couples are already lining up for the next dance. I have no idea what it's going to be, but they teach us all the same steps in dance classes for this exact reason.
I'm not sure why, but the balls seem to be an important part of the time any of us spend at Grimm. Maybe they're just trying to keep the royals happy with the kinds of events they're used to in their home kingdoms, but I don't think so. It's got to be more than that. A more likely reason is that they want to foster connections between students and feel that a casual setting is more likely to promote that than classes.
I stand opposite Lewis and dip into a curtsy as he bows once more. The other students in line with us do the same, as we've been taught to do at the start of every dance. I'm not sure where the custom comes from, or what the purpose of it is, but no one seems to think twice about it other than me. Which makes sense. We don't dance the same underwater, though we do still have them.
The music starts and I move towards Lewis, our hands touching as we circle one another. It isn't until we're already moving that I realise the music is so familiar to me that I know which dance steps I need to be performing.
"I'm glad you're here," he says. "I've wanted to spend more time with you ever since you saved me."
"Why? For all you know, I could be a horrible person."
He chuckles. "A horrible person who saved someone she didn't know from drowning?"
"Well, when you put it like that..."
I spin away from him as the dance requires, but am back facing him a few seconds later. Thankfully, this is one of the dances where we don't have to spend a lot of time apart. And there won't be any changing partners in this one either, which is a relief. Some of those dances could be fun, but not when I want to spend most of it with one person.
"Is it all right if I call you Mati?" he asks once we're back together again.
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"
Dancing with him is effortless. Despite the fact he spends so much time away from the academy, he knows all of the steps.
"I'm not sure what the rules are for officers and titles," I admit.
"Ah, I see." He steps forward as I step back, moving us into a box step. "They make us follow the rules of whichever academy we're at," he admits.
"Doesn't that get confusing?"
He shrugs. "It did at first, but you get used to it. Each of the academies we go-between is so different it's easy enough to tell them apart. Grimm is the only one where some people use titles and others don't. I haven't worked out why."
"I think it's mostly to do with who it is," I say. "From what I've seen, the lower-ranked nobles and those without titles themselves are more likely to use them when talking to people they think are above their station, even if they're a teacher. But the higher-ranked nobles and royals are more willing to drop the honorifics unless their ego is particularly big."
"I see. And that means you're a..."
I blush. "A Princess. Technically."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Not the inheriting type."
"Sadly, I don't think many Princesses are. The succession laws in most of the kingdoms are flawed to say the least."
"I take it you don't have an older sister, then."
"I do," Lewis counters. "And a brother between us in age. He's the one inheriting our Father's title, and I can assure you that my sister would do a much better job. Perhaps you would too, if you were allowed to inherit over a brother."
"It's not a brother that stops me from taking over from Father," I counter. "The monarch is elected in my kingdom."
His eyes widen. "That's even better than allowing daughters to inherit."
I laugh lightly. "You don't know that, you haven't seen how our kingdom is run." Though personally, I don't think Father does a bad job. That's why he keeps getting re-elected.
The dance comes to an end and I sink into a deep curtsy, hoping he'll ask for another dance. We're lucky that dancing too many times with one partner isn't seen as improper any more.
Except that all his talk of female children having a right to inherit gives me an idea. I don't have to wait for him to ask. I can do it myself.
"Would you like the next dance?" I ask, my heart pounding in my chest as I do. It's so outside the norm for these occasions and I don't want him thinking that I'm too forward.
"I'd like that." A wide grin spreads over his face. "I was about to ask you."
"Of course you were." I take his hand and let him lead me off into another dance.
And another one.
I spin past Gerda and Kai, giving them a small wave so they know I'm having a good time and they don't have to intervene. I know that both of them would save me the moment they thought I was in trouble.
The music for our fourth dance together comes to an end. I'm warm from the exertion but my heart has never felt lighter.
"Is it improper to ask you to dance again?" Lewis asks.
"Maybe we should get a drink first," I suggest. "But after that."
"I can take that deal." He holds out his arm and I slip it through.
"Officer Lewis."
I groan inwardly at the familiar figure in front of us.
"Can I help you, Lady..."
"Penelope." She's dressed like a pineapple with more frills and lace than anyone needs to be wearing. I don't think it helps that she's done up her hair into a cone shape either.
"Lady Penelope." Lewis dips his head, but I can feel how tense he is under my hand.
"I was wondering if you'd like to join the dancers," she says, shooting me a satisfied smirk as if she knows how much it'll make me uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, b
"It would be rude for you to ignore all of the other ladies here in favour of one," she cuts him off.
Lewis throws me an uncomfortable look.
What do I do? I don't want Penelope to reveal what I am to him. That's a conversation I need to have with him. The look on her face says that's what's going to happen if I don't encourage Lewis to go with her.
"You should dance with Penelope," I say softly. "I'll catch up with my friends." I smile at him, but I don't think it reaches my eyes.
I can tell he wants to ask me if it's really all right, but doesn't want to say the words out loud.
"Come find me after?" I ask.
He nods, though I can still sense the unease coming from him. Does he know Penelope? Or does he just dislike the way she's barged into our evening?
If I'm feeling brave, I'll ask him about it later.
Lewis pulls away from me and lifts my hand to kiss the back of it.
My heart flutters. At least he still seems to be enjoying the time we're spending together.
Penelope doesn't give us a chance to exchange any more words and pulls him away.
A dreadful feeling settles in my stomach as I watch them walk in the direction of the dancefloor.
Lewis glances over his shoulder in my direction and I try my best to smile at him, but I'm not feeling it.
How did Penelope manage to ruin such a perfect evening?
Chapter Seven
The gravel crunches beneath my boots as Lewis and I walk along the path that threads through the grounds of the academy and around the tree line of the forest.
"I was surprised to find you at my door this morning," I admit.
"I wanted to apologise for last night."
"Why? It wasn't your fault?"
He sighs. "I know. But maybe I should have tried harder to get away from Lady Penelope."
"She wouldn't have taken kindly to that," I mutter.
"Ah, she's one of those."
"If by that you mean she's the kind of person who delights in doing things that make others uncomfortable, then yes, she is. I'm surprised she didn't tell me that if I didn't stay away from you, she'd tell you the truth about me." I almost trip over my words in an attempt to get them out. As soon as I saw him on the other side of my door, I knew I'd have to tell him about me being mer or I'm going to feel as if it's hanging over my head every time we're together. Especially if Penelope is around.